Drawing Now _ Credit photo Say Who _ Ayka Lux 9


Drawing Now Art Fair is the first contemporary art fair exclusively dedicated to drawing in Europe, created in 2007.

On the occasion of its18th edition, Drawing Now Art Fair will return to the Carreau du Temple in the3rd arrondissement in Paris.

Join us from Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 March 2025 to discover the galleries and artists of this edition!

A selection of international galleries will present their selection of works around contemporary drawing from the last 50 years. The two sectors, Insight and Process, will once again show the most contemporary side of drawing.



© Grégoire Avenel / Agence Coolhuntparis

Located on the ground floor, this space welcomes galleries that present an artist in focus on at least 30% of the total surface of their stand.



Located on floor -1, this sector welcomes proposals by one or two French or international artists in a context that promotes immersion in the artistic universe.



Located on floor -1, this sector hosts projects that combine drawing with various mediums such as photography or animation; or to disciplines such as architecture, pedagogy or history, in short a place where drawing tests its limits.


MARS 2024

Discover the latest catalogue of Drawing Now Art Fair, that of the17th edition.
Available only online.


For our first participation in Drawing Now, we were delighted. Despite the strike, the public, mainly French, came in large numbers. Our presentation dedicated to Daniel Dezeuze was a great success with a dozen drawings sold (2000 - 8 000 EUR). We also sold all the new watercolors "connected to the Universe" by the Japanese Chiharu Shiota (8000 - 10 000 EUR), two new gouaches by Gérard Garouste (20 000 EUR) as well as the drawings of Abdelkader Benchamma (3000 - 15000 EUR) and Oda Jaune (4000-8000 EUR).

Anne-Claudie Coric, TEMPLON

We are very happy to have participated in Drawing Now for the first time. The works of Tudi Deligne and Léonard Combier have attracted a lot of attention and found happy buyers. We met a very specific audience that we are not necessarily used to seeing in more general fairs and this gave rise to very interesting exchanges.

Lara Sedbon, By Lara Sedbon

The gallery has been participating in Drawing Now since its inception and 2023 is one of our best editions in terms of sales and contacts. We saw our loyal collectors and sold to new ones, both works by contemporary artists and more historical works such as Jean Degottex or Claude Viallat. This reinforces the gallery's economy in this disturbed societal context.

Émilie Ovaere-Corthay, Galerie Jean Fournier

The affluence of a large audience, a sign of interest in the richness of contemporary drawing in its various forms and mediums. Suzanne Husky, winner of the 2023 Drawing Now Award, captured the attention of visitors who were able to immerse themselves in this polymorphous work with political and ecological sounds. This show by the welcome that the visitors have reserved us will have been a success.

Alain Gutharc, Alain Gutharc Gallery

The 2023 edition of Drawing Now was a great success for us; The atmosphere is warm and fans were present. After four months without leaving the workshop, Katarzyna Wiesiolek was happy to see her work crowned with such success. The public showed him their enthusiasm and great fervor. The audience for his work is growing. Willys Kézi and Thierry Costesèque have convinced new amateurs they are, I think, satisfied with their presence. Given the context, we can come forward and say that the 2023 vintage of this event is exceptional for us.

Éric Dupont, Galerie Éric Dupont

The most poetic of the Salons: the poetry of drawing is limitless.

Barbara Polla, Analix Forever

Thank you for this fabulous fair. Many wise and passionate collectors. Very great enthusiasm around the works of William Wright from his collectors and newcomers, with sales to French, English, Portuguese, Swiss, American and Lebanese collectors.

Ariane Chauffert-Yvart, Ariane C-Y Gallery

Despite a year tinged with demonstrations in the neighborhood, we had a very beautiful edition this year. The public was there and the feedback on Thomas Henriot's work is raving. This year again the fair proves the true value of drawing in the hearts of collectors.

Romain Houg, Galerie Houg

This edition of DRAWING NOW ART FAIR was a great success for us. We are delighted with the reception given to Marine WALLON's drawings: artistic recognition and commitment from collectors through acquisitions. All the artists represented by the gallery have aroused interest materialized through sales. We love the artistic quality of the Salon, its knowledgeable and curious collectors.

Pascal Marius, Catherine Issert Gallery

Galerie Maurits van de Laar participated for the 12th time in Drawing Now. This edition was succesful with a good reception in the press and by the public of Susanna Inglada's collaged drawings, presented as our focus artist. Her central piece The Fit was sold to a private collection in Lille, further sales of her work and Martin Assig were realized to Parisian collectors.

Galerie Maurits van de Laar

Very happy with this 2023 edition. All artists were happy with the presentation, contacts and sales. New collectors joined the gallery accompanied by the loyal public. Institutions have validated upcoming exhibitions for our artists who were present on the stand during the week. The quality of the audience was fairly consistent throughout the week (although Thursday was very quiet because of the strikes).

Florent Maubert, Maubert Gallery

We are very satisfied with the fair. From day one, we made many sales. Collectors who were unable to travel because of the strikes, made purchases at the telephone. We chose to present Marie Claire Mitou's work at Drawing Now, in order to introduce her work to a wider audience and particularly to institutions. These were very present and very well received his work. This recognition of work is very important to us. Drawing is the first event in a rich program this year for the work of MC Mitout.

Claire Gastaud, Claire Gastaud Gallery

A very nice edition this year, we noticed an increase in attendance and very active collectors. Beautiful institutional presence, we had the pleasure of selling three works by Justin Weiler at Frac Picardie. We finish on a sold-out stand with 21 works acquired by very beautiful private collections.

Romain Degoul, PARIS-B

Another very nice edition this year, with a selection of artists and galleries that showed a wide range of contemporary drawing practices. Collectors and institutions were also there despite the events in Paris. The gallery has made many sales, especially on the day of the opening. Drawing Now is a must in spring!

Alexis Rastel, Archiraar Gallery

A very stimulating 1st edition with new collectors for Corinne Mercadier, historical artist in photography, but whose work in drawing is a real discovery.

Valérie Cazin, Binome Gallery

Very nice edition! Loyal collectors but also several sales to new buyers. Drawing now continues to expand its audience, which allows for favorite acquisitions and promising new encounters.

Marion Papillon, Papillon Gallery


"Participating in Drawing Now for ten years is obvious: it is the best contemporary drawing fair in Europe. Thus, lovers of drawings, who are fetishists of paper, discover us in Paris and then come to explore us in Brussels." Galerie DYS

L’ÉCHO BELGIQUE, 21 mars 2023

Drawing, an art that is a recipe in Paris

In France, according to a study by Artprice, the revenue from drawing sales increased fourfold between 2000 and 2022, while the number of lots sold only doubled, as elsewhere in the world.

Today, artists draw with iron filings, ash, tattoo ink or even with sound, transcribing its vibrations. And their supports range from wood to stone and wall, through projections in space.


Same dense crowd, younger, certainly, the next day, for the 16thedition of Drawing Now Art Fair exclusively reserved for [le vernissage] the XXI century, at the Carreau du Temple.


For a long time, it was only a question of the Salon du dessin [...]. And then Drawing Now arrived, first as a nice little niche, with low prices and fresh names. Then today as the obligatory passage of lovers of drawings and contemporary art. They all come, from Olivier Kaeppelin, former director of the Maeght Foundation, to Antoine de Galbert, pioneer of the first hour who walks the last hours of assembly at the Carreau du Temple with his legendary pout.


Drawing Now, from Deuzeuze to Dupin

Despite a day of strike and the bins on fire, smiles were at the rendezvous in the aisles of Drawing Now which declares 18,000 visitors for this 16th edition, almost recovering its pre-Covid attendance, helped by its usual spring dates and benefiting from the passage of the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak.


A16th edition for women

They draw, draw and sew lines, and go so far as to perform them. They are the women in the spotlight at the contemporary drawing fair that traces the history of the medium, from pioneers to young nuggets.


Drawing Now also highlights several creators who are renewing the genre of graphic arts: in a gesture of violent beauty, Stéphane Thidet crushes flowers with a hammer on paper, the Japanese artist Keita Mori "draws" without pencil, drawing lines with evening thread or cotton that he fixes with a glue gun on paper, on canvas or directly on the walls.


Drawing Now Art Fair, a positive assessment

The return to the usual calendar of Drawing Now Art Fair, the Salon du dessin contemporain, has borne fruit, this 16thedition ending with a very positive result. Contemporary creation has imposed itself without difficulty in this Week of Drawing in Paris, confirming its major role in the art market today. With nearly 18,000 visitors, Drawing Now Art Fair returns to attendance similar to that of 2019, while welcoming a new generation of collectors: several galleries, some of which have seen all of their works leave, are delighted to have placed pieces in new collections. For its first participation, the Templon gallery presented Daniel Dezeuze, whose ten drawings were sold between €2,000 and €8,000. Same success on this stand for the Japanese Chiharu Shiota whose set of new watercolors "Connected to the Universe" found takers, from 8,000 to 10,000 €. Templon also sold two gouaches by Gérard Garouste (€20,000) and drawings by Abdelkader Benchamma (€3,000 to €15,000) and Oda Jaune (€4,000 to €8,000).


Drawing Now, a success despite the context

If the disruptions related to the social movements discouraged some of the visitors, loyal collectors were at the rendezvous.


Finally, it will be an opportunity to note the ever-growing role occupied by comics, which leave libraries and bookstores to take possession of museums and galleries.


A link between feminism and drawing.


From the Lelong and Templon galleries to young brands such as Espace à vente (Nice), Modulab (Metz), including the Semiose, Fournier, Tarasiève or Gutharc galleries, the program is dense.


Drawing allows a privileged and direct dialogue: it is its strength and that of Drawing Now, which attracts collectors but also curators and directors of institutions, especially where there is particular attention to works on paper, in Germany, Italy or Switzerland.